Raab & Co.

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Turn Your Existing Content into a Bestseller

Writing a book can seem like a massive undertaking. Most books are hundreds of pages long, and those pages need to be filled with words, words that come out of your head. Where are you going to find them all or find the time to write them down?

Depending on the nature of your business and how actively you communicate with your potential customers and clientele, you may already have produced enough content to fill a book. Do you write blog posts for your website highlighting the different services you offer or providing customers with a sneak peek behind the scenes of your business? Do you post tutorial videos on YouTube or Instagram? Do you host a podcast about your industry and the players who are changing and growing it? Chances are, even if you only do one of these, you have enough content to fill a book—or at least build a book around. 

Using the content, you have already produced as a jumping-off point or a structure for your book can be a boon for two reasons. First is the obvious one: The content is already created. It’s done. You took the time to think about it, plan it out, and produce it in a conscientious and intelligent way. It may need some reframing when placed alongside other information inside a book, but it is already done and polished. And second, it likely provides a specific direction for your book. For nonfiction books to be successful in today’s crowded marketplace, they need to be focused and precise, speaking to an audience you know well in a way that offers new, useful, and unique information. With blogs, podcasts, and videos, you can see how your audience is reacting through visits, downloads, and comments, which function as real-time feedback you can incorporate into future content and that becomes incredibly valuable when you set out to write your book. If you already know what your audience is looking for and responding to and write your book accordingly, the chances of it being popular and in demand increase exponentially.  

Of course, writing a book is not as simple as copying and pasting your blog posts or your podcast transcriptions into a single document and then publishing it. You need to consider the order in which the information is presented and how to make it all hang together in a way that will keep readers turning pages. If this step in the book-writing process is intimidating or out of your wheelhouse, Raab & Co can help. We can take all the content you have already created and stitch it together into a coherent story that will help you establish credibility, reach new customers, and more. Head here to learn more about our method and how we can help you turn your existing content into a bestseller.