Delivering Massive Value

Renowned advisor to financial advisors Matthew Jarvis enlisted us to compile, synthesize, edit, and design an exhaustive collection of his wisdom. In it, readers learn how to not only take hundreds of vacation days a year, but also how to use their working days to, you guessed it, deliver massive value to their clients. Through client scripts, custom illustrations, dynamic graphic design, and meticulous organization, we crafted a book together that has sold thousands of copies.

Book Cover for Matthew Jarvis' Self Published Book "Delivering Massive Value"
Back Book Cover for Matthew Jarvis' Self Published Book "Delivering Massive Value"
Interior Design of Matthew Jarvis' self-published book "Delivering Massive Value"

Working with Josh and his team was the only way my book actually made it to print. His ability to turn my random thoughts, writing, podcasts, dictations, and musings into a coherent, easy-to-read, well-organized, and good-looking book is nothing short of amazing.

I will most definitely be calling Josh again when it’s time for my next book.

— Matthew Jarvis


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