Alpha Couples

Robert and Zaira Solano are a power couple. On top of successful business careers, they coach and mentor people on thriving in relationships while thriving at work. They joined forces Raab & Co. to produce their entertaining, informative, and personal book of stories, interviews, advice, and inspiration for dual-professional couples. The result was an Amazon bestselling hardcover book with custom typography and illustration throughout.

Front Cover of Roberto Solano's Self-Published Book "Alpha Couples"
Back Cover of Roberto Solano's self-published book "Alpha Couples"
Interior Design of Roberto Solano's self-published book "Alpha Couples"
self-published authors roberto and zaira solano

“Raab & Co. provided the full level of service and attention to detail that I would have expected from a major publishing house. If you are an independent author, I highly recommend hiring Josh and his team instead of trying to do everything yourself. You will save yourself a lot of headaches and time.”

– Robert Solano


Dancing with Giants


Dad's Little Book of Wisdom